Thursday 2 August 2012

Day 21, on the road, East Kazakhstan

It's 1am in the morning and a silver Suzuki is speeding on the East Kazakhstan roads. We are on a 36 hours driving mission started this morning in Teraz that hopefully will brimg us to Semey (or close to) by tomorrow evening.

The road is almost empty now and aside from the occasional truck our only companions are a bright moon behind us and an impressive show of lightnings in the distance (it actually just started raining).

We have passed Almaty at 8pm and started driving north with the China border only 50km east. Our journey is not even close to be over but it is still quite amazing to find ourselves driving so close to china on a car you won't use to go to Ikea...

Just north of Almaty we had a bizzare sight. Along the highway there were a number of big casino/clubs with familiar names such as Flamingo, Aladdin, Piramid and so on. I was incredibly tempted to stop and have a quick look but we knew that one of the following things could have easily happened:

1) We would have been challenged by the local at a vodka shoots drinking game
2) We would have lost our money and the car at blackjack
3) One of us would have married the Kazak stripper

Unfortunately all of the above badly mix with driving to Ulan Bator so we, sadly, decided to keep driving.

Earlier in the day I got stopped again by the police for speeding. Once again my russian came handy. I pretended not to understand what the policeman was telling me and instead replied: "Me italianski, apologianski. Me bruuum bruum, no! Me like truck, slooooowwwww, 50km!!". The nice policemen shortly tried to let us pay but then gave up and we were able to leave.

1 comment:

  1. You should have checked those casinos!!!!!I'm sure Adam's parents would have been more than happy to have a Kazak stripper as daughter-in-law!I say Adam but it could've been Adrian....You, maybe not. Even because if you'd managed to come back home, I'd ve killed you, you know.....
