Sunday, 15 July 2012

Day 2, Wels, Austria

Two days in the Mongol Rally and we have already left 5 countries behind us. This afternoon we arrived in Wels, probaby the saddest town in Austria (maybe it's the weather, maybe it's because is Sunday evening or maybe it's just because is in Austria...) and tomorrow we hope to make it to Belgrade.

The UK launch in Goodwood has been great fun despite the rain. The rain actually kept us company all the way down to Austria. I have just realized that the car does not have AC so I'm sure we will deeply miss this autunm weather while driving in Turkmensitan in the sun with 45 degrees. Despite the lack of AC, the car is fitted with the most amazing technologies. Here below a picture of our touch screen GPS which will reliably guide us to Mongolia...


  1. Daje!!!!!
    Tu moje.

  2. si, ma con calma (Mark, un amico de tu moje)

  3. daje Scotti,
    come vorebbi esse lì!!!
    appena torni te porto da Carlone...
